Monday, December 26, 2016

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

This book came to me as a happy accident.  Derrick -- who is my husband for anyone who doesn't know -- and I were wandering through Target looking for last minute Christmas gifts, when I saw the bright, happy, yellow cover.  "Am I really a badass?" I whispered to myself as I sat in the aisle staring at the book.  I had heard a recommendation for the book from MarissaLace on Youtube, but never actually put it on my mental to-read list.  Sometimes the Universe will try and send you messages or nudge you, and you never pick up on them, but I think the the Universe got through to me with this book.  Luckily I was feeling like enough of a badass that day, and it ended up in my cart.  This is the perfect first book for this blog.

If you have ever questioned buying a self-help book, buying a coach, or trying to start a change in your life, please read this book first.  It is an easy read that helps break down the steps, process, and mental fortitude required for a lifestyle change.  More than just a lifestyle change really.  This isn't just about trying to eat vegetables or pay off your debt.  No, this book is about following your most coveted dreams and goals.  It has all of the common sense elements that your friends or family would tell you... things like setting goals for yourself, opening yourself up to change, looking for the positive in situations... but it gives you practical advice and actual steps on how to make it happen in an easy, conquerable way.  Most importantly, in my opinion, she helps you determine if this goal or change of yours is really something you plan to invest yourself in!  A lot of people have the same type of classic goals like losing weight, quit smoking, or leaving their crappy job.  By the end of the book, you can determine if you actually have the capacity and willpower to make your goals a reality!  I went into reading the book with a few of my ow personal goals in mind because I personally learn from example.  I can tell you now, after applying my list of goal ideas to the concepts in this book, that this blog will be a success, but that eating a healthy dinner every night is just not in the cards for me at this time.  If I really think about it though, one of my goals would be to eat chocolate and cheese every day and not gain weight, so I guess that makes sense why investing in eating healthy just doesn't light a fire under my ass the same way.

Now I'm not saying that all of her practices and ideas are easy-peasy, no work involved, problem solving miracles.  You have to put your own work in.  As a matter of fact, after reading the introduction, I grabbed some sticky notes to keep with me while I read.  I noted various chapters for both every day purposes and my own personal trouble areas (like money and fear) so that I can go back to this book throughout the year.  The book expects\practice, dedication, and commitment.  But it doesn't feel overwhelming.  Throughout the book I felt the need to refer it to everyone around me who was willing to listen.  I was constantly pulling it out of my purse to show someone the chapter I just read.  She makes it feel doable.  Like you are really capable of achieving your wildest dreams.  And the beautiful thing is, you are capable!  You Are A Badass will show you how.
With the new year coming up, it is a great time to sit and think about the goals you want to accomplish this year.  And lets be brave and think on the bigger side of things.  Do you want to buy a house?  Do you want to change your job or start your own business?  Are you tired of causally dating and want to find a steady partner?  ...Or do you to continue through the hum-drum routine of every day life this year with no advancement.  Maybe 20 years from now you'll look back and wonder where time went.  Why waste your time investing your life into something, someone, or somewhere that isn't valuing you?  Take some time to think about something that you've always wanted to do.  If you're serious about it, then you may want to pick up Jen's book.  And remember to love yourself through the journey.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

It is that time of the year already!  Well, I may be a few weeks early, but I like to be prepared.  It is New Year's Resolution time.  Last year, my New Year's Resolution (we'll call it my NYR for short) was to have a dance party in my car every day on the way home from work.  Every day I would plug in my music and jam in my car while sitting in traffic.  And you know what?  BEST RESOLUTION EVER.  Truly made the afternoon ride home so much more enjoyable.  I genuinely look forward to traffic now.  So with my great success, I felt obligated to have a wonderful plan for my NYR this year!  What could possibly live up to having a dance party in your car every day?  Naturally... reading and writing book reports every month.  I know, I know, you all are seeing how exciting my life is, right?  For those of you who don't know me, I'm going to let you in on a secret... I'm an eighty three year old lady trapped in a twenty year old's body.  I'll give you a little back story on my love of reading.

I was home-schooled by my mom for kindergarten and first grade.  My mom received degrees in teaching, worked as a teacher, and thought it was only natural to teach me as well.  It was a small rotating class with two other girls my age.  My mom was in charge of math and English.  As most little girls do, we were reading the American Girl book series in my mom's class.  I was a stubborn learner with my mom.  I would know the answer, but I would pretend to not know the answer just to be difficult.  At one point, I refused to read any more.  It was to the point where my mom thought I may have had a learning disability.  Fast forward.  My mom was reading the Addy book out loud to our class.  She started crying when Addy is reunited with her brother Sam.  She was hysterical and couldn't even weep through the words on the page.  I ripped the book out of her hand, opened it up, and started reading the book out loud perfectly.  At that point my mom starts crying even harder because she realized I could actually read.  Needless to say, my mom enrolled me in public school the following year, but I have loved reading ever since.

My favorite genre is probably dystopian, magical realism, or sci-fi.  I also like a good self-help book every now and then.  Some of my favorite authors include J.K. Rowling (who doesn't love her), Oscar Wilde, Brene Brown, Dan Brown, and C.S. Lewis.  The hardest books for me to read are the classic, older lady, romance novels.  They are just too unrealistic for me.  I also like books about mythology, health and wellness, and anything that is supposed to be made into a movie later in the year.  I will always try to read the book before watching the movie.  One of the few exceptions is the series I'm currently reading.  It is impossible to speed read the Game of Thrones books while binge watching the tv shows.  I tried!

I want to have a pretty honest and broad review of a variety of books on this blog.  I plan on rotating back and forth between non-fiction and fiction.  I am just now starting to work on my list of books for the first few months.  Please comment if you have any suggestions or want to offer your feedback.  I would love to have the open discussion.  I want to have a minimum of one review a month, but I'm open to the idea of posting more than one if I am able!  We will see how the first few months go first.

Here's to 2017!  The year of book reviews!